Owned and operated by KITEs Method Producer, John Holzhall.

This leaves riders plenty of time to catch some morning surf or re-cooperate after a night of reggaeton (Latin Reggae/Hip Hop).
Generally the day's heat rises and cool trade winds fill in providing side on-shore winds of 20 knots. These same trade winds push water onto a well defined outer reef, providing riders with chest to head high waves, flat water inside and rolling blue water swells on the outside.

When the trade winds fill in, there is no shortage of good riding!
Q. Why is there no wind?
A. Fronts or tropical lows disrupt the High Pressure. When this happens, the chance of good wind decreases.With that said...don't give up on wind at Kite Beach...be available from 3pm-7pm these 4 hours usually rock!
Q. How many days of wind are there on Kite Beach, Cabarete.
A. 200 strong trade wind days. 65 ride-able light trade or days. 50 North West or Clearing wind Days. 50 no wind days.
Q. What is the windiest time?
A. Summer, but storms happen all year, so August and September can be stormy as well as January and February.
Q. Is kite Beach the same as Cabarete?
A. No they are different towns and much different wind.
The town of Kite Beach is next to (West) of Cabarete. Although they are side by side, they are very different.
1. Cabarete Bay is a natural wind shadow, a great place to dine and drink on the beach because it faces North West
2. Trade Winds come from the North East, so when you are in Cabarete you basically have your back to the wind, the land, trees and buildings offer shelter.
3. Wind shadows are just that, places the wind does not reach
4. Wind shadows are not generally where wind sports take place
Kite Beach/ Punta Goleta
1. Kite beach is a North East facing beach/point (Punta Goleta)
2. Kite Beach bears the full brunt of the trade winds
3. Kite Beach is too windy to enjoy a lobster and wine on the beach is a "shelf" just in downwind of a "point", Punta Goleta. Points receive a lot of weather.

FAQ's for kite Beach RD:
Check list when traveling to Kite Beach Dominican Republic
(this information was compiled through experience as Lodge Manager)
1. Pass Port required
2. cash...this is a cash country...most bars and restaurants will not take a credit card 3. Bank cards work as long as the bank has power. You can take out about $100-$150 per.
4. The exchange is 35pesos to the dollar at the banks...30 pesos to the dollar at the restaurants
5. Best thing to do is bring cash and change it at the bank the first day you are here...low to no crime here so having cash is not a big deal.
6. No pot in this country, lots of coke, but if you do it in the bars, you'll go jail. If you have a problem, don't call me.
7. Rent-a-friends are $50-$100 a session...staying the night is negotiable
8. The only way you will get ripped off is if the girls stay the night...so stash your stuff before leaving the house...If you have a problem, don't call me.
For mor about training with John Holzhall, kiteboarding's premiere Coach click here...
Directly east or upwind of Kite Beach is Cabarete Bay. Kiters will be impressed by the quality and quantity of food in Cabarete. This beach is packed with great restaurants offering every type of food and beverage. In Cabarete, everyday is Christmas and every night is New Years Eve. The food in Cabarete is just rewards after an afternoon of catching all the waves, eating under a canopy of Palm frongs helps complete the tropical vibe.
Kitebeach on the other hand gets quite at night, unless Extreme Hotel has one of it's legendary raves or the Method lodge has a local style pig.
What is there to do when there is no wind?
Kite beach is a triple threat! Great Kiting, Good surf and Excellent Spear Fishing.
The Method Lodge is more of a University than just a kite school, these lessons happen daily:
- Every level of Kiteboarding for new riders and those who want to Coach the KITEs Method
- Kite boat rides and Classes
- Spear fishing and surfing tours
About Kite beach
Q. Is the water crowded?
A. Yes and No. Two factors make the near shore area of kite beach very crowded. 1. Advanced riders seem to like to ride together. 2. The traditional way of learning takes up a lot of room. On the other hand, the reef has very few riders and there is miles of super reef, upwind and down wind of kite beach. So, if you like blue water or waves, you got the place to yourself. If you like riding in front of the beach...get ready for a lot-o-traffic!
Q. How many days of wind?
A. 230 trade wind days, 100 days of light to onshore winds, 35 days of North West or clearing winds.
June July and August are the most consistent, the other nine months have good trades mixed with waves and rain. Storms (cold fronts or Hurricanes) generally kill or cut the trade winds.
The KITEs Method Resort sits on kite beach, 18 degrees off the equator and faces North North East. The Kite beach is a short 20 minutes from Puerto Plata International Airport. Miami is only an hour and 20 minute flight. Kite beach is only a part of the story, the town of Cabarete borders kite beach and is famous for it's laid back eclectic party scene and cuisine.
- Cabarete Bay is a natural wind shadow, a great place to dine and drink on the beach because it faces North West, it is sheltered from the trade winds. Trade Winds come from the North East, so when you are in Cabarete you basically have your back to the wind, the land, trees and buildings offer shelter.
1. Kite beach is a North East facing beach/point (Punta Goletha)
2. Kite Beach bears the full brunt of the trade winds
3. Kite Beach is too windy to enjoy a lobster and wine on the beach because it is a "point" which receives a lot of weather.
Kite Beach FAQ's
What riders really need is input from a single guy who knows how it goes after mid-night. With no where else to turn, they chose me. They are plenty of other guys who know the party scene better than me, but non of those guys were coherent enough to write a story. I quickly did some research and discovered the following:
After midnight:
Cabarete transforms into a truly unique party scene, many restaurants become laid back "lounges" where fine wines and stories flow. Other restaurants come alive with the sounds of Hip Hop and Reggaeton. This setting is a far cry from the dark smokey clubs of the cities. Cabarete disco-techas operate under a canopy of stars, the Rum and Mama Wanna (Dominican Yager Mister) flow as people bounce from club to club along the beach.
Life and everything in it is relative, take for example a woman's sexuality. In the DR, women work hard to perfect their sexual potency, many would say it is a priority, even an obsession. Other places in the world it is common for girls to dress down and walk around with no make up, their love is not for sale or rent. Even the suggestion could land you in a world of hurt. In the DR, the opposite is true, rarely will you meet a girl who is not wearing designer jeans and sporting extensions and a fresh manicure. Women spend hours on hair, out fit and makeup and yes, more times than not, their love is for rent. To call these girls prostitutes would be callous; Rent-a-Friends is a more fitting term.
Cabarete has it's share of rent-a-friends, but the Red Light district of Sosua is the home of the working girl. Cabarete is really a family town which is clean and safe. Sosua, on the other hand is the heart of the action for the seasoned kiteboarder. Most Red Light Districts are seedy and populated by thugged out pimps. Not so in this town, Sosua has a number of fine clubs which boast a 10-1 hot girl to guy ratio. Prostitution is legal in the DR, pimping is not. Bottom line, a lot-o-chicas are selling what they shak'en.
Would your girlfriend be comfortable at these clubs? Probably not, but they fun places to kick back and have a few drinks after a day of kiteboarding. These clubs are the polar opposite to the standard Western/Anglo night clubs. In Sosua, simple eye contact with a woman can land you some action. Lily white guys can quickly be overwhelmed by aggressive chicas eager to trade affection for dollars. Most guys simply have never been in the position to turn chicas down. It is a must in Sosua. Here is a quick how to:
1. The Finger wag
2. No means no, don't feel bad about saying "No" to a hot chica. Lame excuses like, "I would but I have a girl friend" , "Not now, maybe later" are a sign of weakness.
3. Don't smile, if you don't like a girl tell her to beat it!
The older heavier girls have to sell harder for obvious reasons, don't let them steam roll you, be strong, say No!
My advice:
There is more to life than sex, these girls all have PHDs in Latin freak dancing. They are happy to simply dance with you as long as you let them know up front that you are interested in "Dancing and nothing more" " bailar y nada más"...drinks and $500 pesos ($15USD) is usually more than enough.
If you do fall in love, start the negotiations early, always demand breakfast in bed and express interest in having her pump your kite the next morning in a Brazilian cut.
Dates are rumored to run from $20 for the most seasoned traveler to $100 for the lily white tourist fresh out of momma's house.
Be cautious: (this is not personal experience, but rather the experiences of Lodge Quests)
Always stash your electronics and cash before you go out, you never know who you might return with! Always give the girl's license to the Watchman, she can retrieve it after you check that you have everything!

For the ultimate in kiteboard training, contact:
John Holzhall.
KITEs Method